Wednesday, May 29, 2013

For non-facebook users, to keep you in the loop

From Duncan

Both Wesley and Bash have asked if they can sign up for Sat so we need to have a look at them and make them feel welcome because as it stands at the moment we are in dire straights with 1st team availability which is affecting the 2nd team to the tune of 2,3 and sometimes 4 players a week - all well and good and the club is very grateful to those that have supported the situation by playing 1st team but I am now getting reports that some of them do not or will not play any more 1st team - I understand that there is a limit to how much we can carry on taking a players' game away in that the leap of 6 divisions is unacceptable for this sort of exchange to continue without commitment from at least 3 players.
team so far this Sat
1) Dunc
2) Brads
3) S Lawrence
4) W Grafton
5) W Rasheed
6) S Ellison
7) S Gardham
S Wyss
9) A Mahmood - fitness to be confirmed
10) A.N. Other
11) A.N. Other
We lose Will the week after so that will be 3 from 2nds to come up and if Azhur isn't fit then 4.
I have no idea how long A.J is out for because he waiting for the possibility of surgery I think??. Will is back 22nd or 29th of June - in fact Will can you confirm which date you are back if possible please and can you tell me the details of your mate again please to save me fishing through my text messages just his name and the dates he wants to play please.
So what's to be guys?? Do we try and welcome some players who would be 1st team selection over the guys who have or will be needed over the next few weeks and as far as I can see it the rest of the season possibly.
So far this year the 1st team have lost or given up as 'not required' (remember the players meeting?) or injured
1) Ray Khan
2) Asif
3) General
4) S Marshall
5) AJ
6) Chronic
7) A Merrill
I am sure I've missed another name off there but that is nearly a full team in itself - we also used to have the odd appearance from Tom Scott an Leathers but that isn't going to help this year as they are not available for any games.
I don't want to keep taking 2nd team players away from their games'.

Of course if we sign them and then we get AJ, Merrill, Chronic, S Marshall etc etc available for 1st team selection then we would have some healthy competition for 1st team places - of course 3 or 4 regular 2nd team players would then have to sit out as would 3 or 4 1st team be in the 2nd team.
We have an opportunity tonight to resolve the present situation so we need to give it some thought because it isn't my decision it is your decision - thoughts please guys - sensible ones preferred!!
Try and remember that the real issue that needs to be resolved here is that the 2nd team need to be 3 divisions higher...or the 1st team need to 3 divisions lower - the 1st team being 3 divisions lower I would see that as negative as it would mean a team losing the next 60 games which I doubt a team would stick together thro' that - but none the less it would be a apologies for the epic message but you do need to know what is happening.


  1. It would seem to me that when we had the players meeting that we agreed what we were going to do and a consensus was reached. Between that date and now a number of people have changed there mind, this number is sufficient to change the dynamic of the club. If we are going to continue to turn out competitive sides I don't believe we have any option but to sign on players who have expressed an interest in playing for us.
    As Duncan stated this club represents its members and my opinion is one of many. I have thought about the alternatives and if everybody does what we agreed 6 months ago we could proceed as normal but that does not seem to be what is happening. So as a club we will need to react to the changing circumstances.

  2. Comment from Paul Ellison:
    If the 1st's are likely to be missing AJ, Chronic, Shaun & Andy (?) for most of the remainder of the season and there is unlikely to be 2 to 4 players, who would prefer 2nd team cricket, willing to continue playing in 1st team, then the option to sign 2 players willing to play for 1st team seems to be the obvious solution.
    This would have the knock on effect of making the 2nd team more competitive and putting Timmy in the unusual position of having to decide who to leave out each week. The only problem I see with this is that some fully paid members are likely to miss out whilst some continue to play who still have not paid their annual subs!
    As 1/3 of the season has now passed, I do not understand why there are still a handful of regular players who have not paid their £55 annual subs. Please show some respect for the club and your team-mates by paying up this Saturday, if you haven't done already.
    Assuming Wesley and Bash are prepared to pay £55 subs and £7 match fees, I don't see any reason why they would not be made welcome.

  3. Right Guys, I hope we can now put this whole issue to bed? Clearly everyone has had views and opinions stated on Facebook and the Blog which have been well aired. We should all be aware that we play for a Club not just a team. And we should be proud of being selected for whichever team in the Club we play in.

    We are clearly short of players for the First Team at the moment. Things will change as the season progresses. In my opinion it would make sense to invite a couple of additional players into the First team pool if that is what is needed, which it seems to be.

    I would urge all club members to get behind their club and behind Duncan and Tim in selecting the best teams possible for each weekend and each Wednesday. Harping and moaning on Facebook serves no constructive purpose for the Club and its members and elected officials.

    We are here to play cricket and enjoy it all. We have the most fantastic new facilities, a pool of players and the potential to enjoy the rest of this season. Lets get on and do it!
