Saturday, March 22, 2014

Jumble Sale - Saturday 26th April 2014

Mighty Bankers,
A Jumble Sale is taking place at the Dace Banks Village Hall on Saturday 26th April between 1030am and 12.30pm.
This is in aid of the Village Hall and Care Banks Cricket Club and is being kindly organised by Jackie Kerr and Jackie Weatherald.
THEY NEED YOUR JUMBLE!  Anyting that is re-sellable that you have lurking in the loft, under your bed or at the back of a cupboard that has not seen the light of day for months/years is needed. 
Volunteers are also needed to help with teas and coffees and to assist with setting the sale up.  Please remember that the event has been organised for your benefit so get stuck in and help.
If you have jumble or would like to volunteer please let Jackie Kerr know contacting her on 07778 783695.

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