Sunday, March 30, 2014

Player Match Availability 2014

Mighty Bankers

Here is the a list of each fixture for the first couple of months of the season.  Names have been added to the left hand column and you are asked to fill in your availability in the space provided against your name.

A Y for "Yes I'm available" and a N for a "No I am not available"!

Please make sure that once you have committed yourself to a match that you remain committed!  This season, the Captains are going to need all your help in fielding sides.  Your help in using this availability tool will help everyone.

Apologies if any names have been omitted from the list.  If you know of anyone please have please add them at the bottom.

Can you also please encourage everyone who may/may not see this list to fill it in a their earliest opportunity?

Many thanks

Jonny the Chair

1 comment:

  1. My IT skills are not great , but I can only view this , not edit it. Any help ?
