Friday, May 30, 2014

Weekend 7 Teams

The late publication of these teams is due to the FANTASTIC problem we have had this week of narrowing down 26 available players to 22. Now lets pick up some points...!

1st XI Home v Blubberhouses
Stephen Ellison (Capt) Nick Crispin (Wk) Stephen Butler Chris Eckford Steven Wyss Will Grafton Steve Lawrence Imran Mehmood Waqas Rasheed Waseem Aslam Mian Nabeel
(Tea lady: Mark Peachey) 2nd XI Away v Marton – cum-Grafton
Nic Wray (Capt) Tim Carrington (Wk) Mark Peachy Shaun Marshall Adam Palabiyik Callum McIntosh Cuz Johnny Knocker Tom Gilbert Glynn Burgess Paul Ellison Sunday 1st June Atkinson Swires Cup Away v Birstwith
Stephen Ellison (Capt) Tim Carrington Nick Crispin Stephen Butler Chris Eckford Steven Wyss Steve Lawrence Nic Wray Shaun Marshall Adam Palabiyik Callum McIntosh


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