Friday, July 11, 2014

Just short

Mighty Bankers , I have to tell you that the 2nd team fell just short of beating Arthington in the semi -final. Despite some very good batting by Cronic and Peachey we came up 8 runs short . Credit to the 4 bowlers , Shaun ,Gilly,Peachey and Cronic who all bowled very tightly and we had restricted them to 117 . Big thanks to Sue for giving up one of her many nights out to be with us and to Barry Gill for stepping in at the last minute so that we could field 11.
I am told that Barry has now played for 50 years at Dacre , his first Innings being in 1964 and he tells me his last in 2014 . He finished with a red inker on 1 no.
Barry sets the standard to which we should strive to be the best CLUBMEN ( and Women ) that we can be , and if we all want success for DBCC that has to be our goal .

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