Monday, September 22, 2014

Post-Season Open Meeting Monday 6th October 7.00pm

Mighty Bankers

After the trials and tribulations of the end of season matches in Division 1 and 7, we are inviting you all to join us for a chat about the season and where we might go from here in terms of our cricket activities.

The meeting will be between 7-8pm on Monday 6th October at the Pavilion. Every playing and non-paying member is urged to attend so we can all share your views, opinions and suggestions for improving the cricket, teams and player numbers for next year.

We'd ask you to be honest and frank about your thoughts; this will help us to all try and see how we can attract players to the Club next season.  I'd also ask that if you have particular playing issues that you come armed with some practical suggestions and solutions.  We don't simply want a slanging match; the meeting is designed to hear opinions and ideas for next season.

Look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Jonny The Chair

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