Mighty Bankers
Many thanks to all the club members who made it to our meeting on Monday evening. I think everyone who was there will agree that we kicked around some very positive ideas , while also addressing some of the frustrations that appeared during the last 12 months.
A summary of key points in no particular order:
1.. Player's Charter - a players agreement is being drawn up by Steve E and Shaun to be signed by all playing members highlighting their on and off-field responsibilities to the team and club;
2. Player Recruitment. More players are required. It was agreed that everyone in the club should go out of their way to champion DBCC and approach potential players for next season. A group comprising Mark P, Steve E, Callum O and Chris E plus myself will work together on how to maximise options to get the message out there.
Don't therefore think that we are going to do all this for you. Remember , if you know of anyone who might be interested, please approach them.
An Open night will be organised for potential new members to come and meet their future team mates. Other ideas we will work on include local leafleting using Royal Mail or AMPS, notices in the Royal Oak, targeted leaflet drop to "Sold" properties etc
3. Junior Cricket
The vital need for the development of a junior section was discussed. This will take a few years to get set up and established as qualified coaches and assistants are needed. 3-4 members agreed to consider taking the first step in ECB/YCB Kids Coaching once course details can be found.
Anyone else who would like to consider this option, making the workload for others easier, as well as getting a great deal of satisfaction in working with youngsters, please let me know.
And the Club would assist with fees incurred for these courses.
4. Fundraising
While we have a great set of facilities with the new electronic scoreboard now working properly, funds are needed. Everyone is asked to support local fund raising events.
5. The Future
The message was made very clear by one of our less-young members about how DBCC can progress in the future. This concerned the younger members (including me of course) taking responsibility for carrying the club forward and not relying totally on the older and bolder to undertake activities such as fund raising, maintenance and player "acquisition".
More hand make less work so a key message from this meeting is the future is in our hands and not some other Club members hands!
Finally the AGM will be held on Friday 14th November at 7.30pm in the Pavilion. Please make every effort to be at the meeting to elect your next committee.
Jonny The Chair
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