Thursday, June 5, 2014

Playing Members and Summer Draw

Following a difficult pre-season, when we struggled to muster enough players to fill 2 teams, I am pleased to announce that we now have 27 playing members, with 2 more players in the process of transferring to DBCC. Unfortunately, we are losing the services of our 2 cricketing studs for much of the season, but this still leaves us in a far healthier position than anticipated 2-3 months ago. So, well done to everyone concerned, but there is no room for complacency: we still need to be recruiting, especially the calibre of player who will slot into the 1st XI, which will alleviate the need for so many 2nd team players to step up from Division 7 to 1.

Please may I remind those of us who have not sold our Summer Draw tickets, that it is expected that we dig into our own pockets if necessary? If you are intending not to return your ticket stubs and cash to Sue for Saturday’s draw, I would ask you to consider whether you are prepared to risk not being selected to play, when there is a surplus of available players.

Paul E

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