Thursday, August 7, 2014

Second Team "star" on cancelled match afternoon

Mighty Bankers

Some appreciation and thanks must be given to the hard core of our second team last Saturday.  With our game at home washed away, a couple of vehicles headed off to Goldsborough to watch and support the First Team in their victory.

The First team appreciated the vocal support of their kindred Dacre Banks CC playing members.  And Goldsborough CC's bar certainly appreciated the boost in bar sales during a warm afternoon!

So thank you guys; it was appreciated by all and emphasises the strong Club spirit we have in place.

Jonny the Chair

1 comment:

  1. I must say the 1st XI team have received fantastic support on several occasions this season, when the 2nd XI have been washed out, which I for 1 believe does give the lads out in the middle a boost. I'm pretty sure Ecky must have a season ticket as he is always around supporting the lads.
